Learning Bank #3
There are five roles of Educational Technology in learning, from a constructivist perspective.From the word constructivism it is one of the most influential educational theories of our time.Which emphasizes the building (constructing) that occurs in peoples mind's when they learn.
Learning Bank #2
We know that we are now in modern curriculum; so for me, it is a boon because it can help easily for me to go in the internet, rather than going in library only consuming more time to find a books of what I want to research, in a certain topic.
Learning Bank #1
*What did I learn?
I learn from this subject all about computer..In how we where going to create any,or to make easier for us to do, for example about computing a grades we can apply this,and we also know how to create a power point for our discussion when we becoming a teacher someday.
*How can I apply this in a teaching future?
For me, I can apply all what I have learned from this subject esp. about power point. To make my student attentive to listen,in my discussion...